109學年度 下學期 前沿量子科技研究中心量子資訊專題演講

A Geometrical Phase Transition

演講者 : 朱家誼 博士 (中興大學物理系)
演講時間 : 2021 / 03 / 22 12:10
A Geometrical Phase Transition
理學教學新大樓物理系1F 36169教室
理學教學大樓1樓36169室位於 ...
Many theoretical studies on non-Hermitian quantum systems have reported to violated some well-accepted quantum phenomena or theorems. Rather than sweeping these facts under the rug, we decided to decode the enigma by using some simple geometrical tools. To be more speci c, using the fact that Shroedinger's equation is formally the same as parallel transport in a fi ber bundle, we surmise that the Hilbert spaces of the quantum states should possess some geometrical structures. Further investigation shows that the paradoxes were indeed removed from non-Hermitian quantum systems by allowing such geometrical structures. Further inspection shows that the geometries between similar systems could behave very di erently which is very similar to a phase transition. In this talk, we'll fi rst introduce the idea of the geometry of the quantum space and then move on to the phase transition-like properties of the structure.