

Alternate Computation of Gravitational Effects from a Single Loop of Inflationary Scalars

We present a new computation of the renormalized graviton self-energy induced by a loop of massless, minimally coupled scalars on de Sitter background. Our result takes account of the need to include a finite renormalization of the cosmological constant, which was not included in the first analysis. We also avoid preconceptions concerning structure functions and instead express the result as a linear combination of 21 tensor differential operators. By using our result to quantum-correct the linearized effective field equation we derive logarithmic corrections to both the electric components of the Weyl tensor for gravitational radiation and to the two potentials which quantify the gravitational response to a static point mass.

我們提出了德西特空間上,由無質量、最小耦合純量子對重整化重力子自能的迴圈修正之新計算。我們的結果考慮到需要包括宇宙學常數的有限重整化,這在第一次分析中沒有包括在內。我們也避免了對結構函數的先入之見,而是將結果表示為 21 個張量微分算子的線性組合。透過使用我們的結果對線性有效場方程式進行量子校正,我們得出了對重力輻射的韋爾張量的電分量,以及量化對靜態點質量的重力響應的兩個位能的對數校正。

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詳見 JHEP (2024)