2024 / 08 / 08 / 活動期間:[2024 / 08 / 08 ~ 2024 / 09 / 30]

113學年度第1次博士班資格考試相關公告 2024 Fall Semester PhD Qualification Exam Announcement

1. 考試報名表/抵免申請表,請於113年09月13日(五)下午5點前,取得指導教授簽名,繳交至系辦公室 陳小姐。
2. 考試日期: 113年10月17-18日。 
3. 考試成績及抵免結果,預計於113年11月中公告。 
4. 報名表/抵免申請表下載:系網→下載專區→博士資格考。
** 資格考通過之期限為在學兩年六個月(含論文審查通過與修課抵免),不得以任何理由展延。

如有問題,請洽  陳小姐 分機:65206 Email: monica@phys.ncku.edu.tw

1. The PhD Qualify Registration Form (or The PhD Qualify regulation & exam waiver application form) : Please obtain your advisor's signature and submit it to Ms. Chen at the department office by 5:00 PM on Friday, September 13, 2024.
2. Exam dates: 2024/10/17-2024/10/18
3. Exam/exam waiver results will be posted at the department website in the mid of November.
4. PhD Qualify Registration Form (or PhD Qualify regulation & exam waiver application form) can be downloaded from: department website > Document > Ph.D. Qualify
** A student must pass/waive the qualification exam within the first two and half years. Failing the exam will result in the student’s termination from our doctoral program.

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Chen , extension: 65206, Email: monica@phys.ncku.edu.tw