
【理學論壇】From Nano- to MacroWorld—Platforms for molecular/cell analysis and biomedical applications (從奈米到巨觀世界的研究平台—用於分子、細胞分析及生醫應用)

演講者 : 周家復 副所長/ Prof. Chou, Chia-Fu / Distinguished Research Fellow & Deputy Director - (中研院物理所Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)
演講時間 : 2024 / 09 / 27 14:10
理學教學新大樓物理系1F 36102教室
理學教學新大樓物理系1F 36102教室 位於....
In this talk, we will present the experimental means we adopt for the study of cell biology, molecular analysis, in vitro diagnosis, and biomedical applications, including micro/nanofluidics, nanooptics, nanomaterials, and micro-/nanoscale fabrication. Few notable examples will be given, comprising nanoscale molecular dam, plasmonic nanogap, nanofluidic & optofluidic SPR Imaging-based reaction kinetics analyzers, graphene-based portable electrochemical sensors, micro/nano-confined bacteria morphological plasticity & cell-division regulation, and how we use novel single-jet electrospinning for direct 3D scaffold writing for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications.

周家復博士, 中央研究院物理研究所特聘研究員兼副所長
學經歷: 清華大學物理系學士, 紐約州大水牛城分校物理學博士, 普林斯頓大學物理系及分子生物系博士後研究員
Honors and Awards:
2023   第20屆國家新創獎-學研新創獎 (National Innovation Award)
2019     Academia Sinica Investigator Award 中央研究院深耕計畫 (2020-2024)
2014 NSTC Outstanding Research Award (國科會傑出研究獎)

Dr. Chia-Fu Chou
Distinguished Research Fellow/Professor and Deputy Director, Institute of Physics; Academia Sinica
Adjunct Fellow, Research Center for Applied Sciences & Biomedical Translation Research Center (BioTReC), Academia Sinica
B.S. in Physics, National Tsing Hua University; Ph.D. in Physics, SUNY/Buffalo; NIH Postdoctoral Fellow in Physics and Molecular Biology, Princeton University