
Exploring the Dwarf Planet Ceres - Unraveling Mysteries from the Past, Present, and Future

演講者 : Dr. Yo-Ling Chuang 莊幼玲 博士後研究員 (台師大 天文與重力中心/ NTNU Astro)
演講時間 : 2024 / 05 / 17 14:10
理學教學新大樓物理系1F 36102教室
理學教學新大樓物理系1F 36102教室 位於....
As the largest object in the main asteroid belt, Ceres has become one of the key targets for human exploration of outer space and for studying the formation history of the solar system. However, our understanding of Ceres has long been limited to its enigmatic bright spots on the surface. It wasn't until the Dawn spacecraft completed its 8-year journey and finally entered orbit around Ceres in 2015 that its mysteries began to be unveiled. In this presentation, I will highlight the research findings of the Dawn mission on several key surface features of Ceres, as well as our subsequent observations and discoveries of its exosphere using ground-based telescopes, revealing the prelude to future space exploration of Ceres.