2024 / 09 / 07 / Date:[2024 / 09 / 07 ~ 2024 / 12 / 31]

【Announcement】Students May Apply for Transfering the Modular Course Credits Taken Before 2023 Fall Semester (Included) into General Course Credits

Important! Submission deadlines:
First submission deadline: Friday, October 25, 2024 (submissions will not be accepted after this date).
Second submission deadline: Friday, December 20, 2024 (submissions will not be accepted after this date).

Starting from the summer of 2024 (2024 Spring Semester), students in the College of Science who take modular courses will no longer be restricted from applying for general education credit recognition simply because the course was offered by the College of Science.
From September 9, 2024 (Monday), Physics Department students may apply to have modular courses taken during or before the second semester of the 2023 academic year (inclusive) recognized as general education credits.
Required documents (submitted in person):
Academic transcript: Mark the "College of Science Modular Courses" you wish to convert to "General Education Credits" using a red pen or highlighter. Check the "Modular Course System" in the university’s course system to find the corresponding "Course Code" (e.g., WZ-021) and note it next to the course on your transcript (e.g., Singular Value Decomposition and Data Analysis: WZ-021).

**Note 1: Before applying, students must check which general education field the modular course can be counted towards (e.g., Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, etc.) through the General Education Center > Student Section > General Education Credit Requirements for Past Years. Students must confirm and agree with the information before submitting their application.
**Note 2: Graduation credit structure, including general education credits, can be referenced for your department.

For more information, please contact Ms. Zeng at the Physics Department Office, Window 4, Ext. #65257.