2024 / 04 / 22

2024 Annual Thesis Contest of Tung-Sheng Chang Foundation. Contest date: June 22nd, 2024. Registration due date: May, 5th, 2024

- Contest Date: June 7, 2024 (Friday)
- Registration Deadline: May 22, 2024 (Wednesday)
- **If you expect a late submission, please email monica@phys.ncku.edu.tw before the registration deadline and explain the reason. You can submit the prepared documents in advance. Otherwise, late submissions will not be accepted.
- The contest schedule will be announced on the Physics Department's website on May 31, 2024 (Friday).

Contest Details (English Version): [Link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Zw3sjJ2_B3waNnX8PBYqBprppjayvZ13/view?usp=drive_link)

1. Eligibility:
   - Students from the Department of Physics and Physics Institute at National Cheng Kung University (excluding those on leave or drop out).

2. Award Criteria:
   (a) Graduate Student Category:
       - Three winners with prizes of NT$12,000, NT$8,000, and NT$5,000 respectively.
       - Several honorable mentions with certificates.
   (b) Undergraduate Student Category:
       - Two winners with prizes of NT$6,000 and NT$3,000 respectively.
       - Several honorable mentions with certificates.
       **Bonus points will be considered for presenting the paper as an A0 poster and exhibiting it in the department building.

Evaluation Details and Notes:
1. Presentation Time:
   - Undergraduate Category: 11 minutes per person (with 1-minute buffer).
   - Graduate Category: 13 minutes per person (with 2-minute buffer).

2. Evaluation Criteria:
   - Graduate Category:
       - Paper content (50%)
       - Oral presentation: Clarity of speech (20%), Logical coherence (20%), Attitude and interest (10%)
   - Undergraduate Category:
       - Paper content (30%)
       - Oral presentation: Clarity of speech (30%), Logical coherence (30%), Attitude and interest (10%)

3. Submission Requirements:
   - Registration form in Word format
   - Paper in PDF format
   - Poster in PDF format (if applicable)
   **Submit the electronic presentation file by 17:00 on June 6 (Thursday) or provide it on the day of the competition.
   **Participants with laptops must test them on the day of the competition to avoid delays.

4. Registration Form Download: [Link](https://www.phys.ncku.edu.tw/document/16/)

5. Additional Notes:
Please contact Ms. Chen Liwei via email or phone for any question.
Email: monica@phys.ncku.edu.tw
Tel. extension: 65206
